Hello once again, NPDA Community. The NPDA is pleased to announce the Spring 2025 Business Meeting will be held on Friday, March 7th, at McKendree University (Piper 222) from 5:30-7pm CST in person (yippee!).
If you would like any bylaw or constitutional proposals or changes, or add any agenda items please send the following to kpryorlandman+npda@sdsu.edu:
Subject: NPDA SP2025 Bylaw Proposal
1) Title of Proposal
2)Section, Article, Subsection in the Bylaws you wish to change or add to
3) Original Text of Bylaw (If applicable)
4) New Text of Bylaw (changes highlighted)
Please send me bylaw proposals no later than March 3, 2025 at 11:59pm PST.
If you have any questions or concerns, please email or find me on FB!
NPDA Exec Secretary