NPDA 2024-2025 Tournament Dates

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  • #589

    Hello Everyone!

    If you have dates for your tournament, please make sure to comment on them here.

    Please also make sure to submit for sanctioning here so we can get it added to the calendar.

    Thank you!



      Hi All–The Rice Unversity Classic will be September 28-29, 2024. Save the date!


        The Steve Hunt Classic, hosted by Lewis & Clark College and Whitman College will be October 11-13 at Lewis & Clark College. We look forward to hosting you!


          The Mound High Swing will be hosted at McKendree University January 9-12. Looking forward to hosting y’all quite a bit this year!

          Jonathan Reyes

            Hello! The Pat Kennedy and Paul Winters Invitational is set for November 1-3! We will once again be partnering with San Joaquin Delta College, who will be hosting the Mustang Invitational on November 2nd for speech only. We hope to see you there. 🙂


            Hi Friends,

            The Point Loma Nazarene University Sunset Cliffs Classic Invitational will be held on PLNU’s beautiful seaside campus in San Diego October 25-27, 2024. We will offer 3 divisions of NPDA, and IPDA, plus TPDA, NFA LD and BP, along with IEs. Invite available on FTN.

            Not sure if any of you are interested in TPDA, but we will also host a limited entry RR tournament of Champions for 10-12 teams invited by competitive bid. Catered meals, swag, etc. also posted onFTN with invite and bid directions.


            We have begun the sanctioning process and are hoping to list our tournament on the new NPDA calender page. Hopefully that won’t take long. Is the Title IX trading link also posted on the homepage?




              The Mercer Macke Invitational Tournament will be February 15th & 16th, 2025 at Mercer University in Macon, GA. We are excited to host y’all in the Spring with better weather!

              • This reply was modified 5 months ago by adpowell.

              Hi Everyone,

              Thank you for using the forum! Just a couple of quick announcements about sanctioning.

              First, thank you all for your patience as I work out the bugs in integrating the new system with the ways of the past. I am trying to streamline the process as much as possible, but with that comes some hiccups.

              Second, for those of you who have had confusion about the follow-up email, I have changed some things.
              1. Title IX training can now be found here
              2. The language in the follow-up email now reflects the new process. Major changes include:
              a. No further forms needed after the initial form, EXCEPT YOUR RESULTS WITHIN 21 DAYS!
              b. Updated link for Title IX training
              c. Link to pay dues with Shannon (this is still subject to change in the near future, hopefully)

              This should clarify all of the issues we have been having. If you have not received a follow up email from the website after filling out the sanctioning form, please send me a FB message or email




                Hello, the William Jewell Swing will be Nov. 15-17th in Liberty, MO.

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